Mouse Control Vaughan

Professional and Guaranteed

Mice Control Solutions by

The Exterminators Inc.

mice infestation vaughan


Guaranteed Service

Fully Licensed And Insured Mouse Control Service in Vaughan​

We are a full-service exterminator providing Mice extermination services in Vaughan. We are effective, guarantee our service and work 7 days a week.

the exterminators guarantee

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Mouse Control Vaughan

mice infestation vaughan

We offer high-quality, affordable, and accessible mouse control services throughout Vaughan. Done by insured and licensed exterminators who have a range of tools and equipment available such as moisture meters, thermal cameras, and potent rodenticides only available to a select few. We only use proven and tested methods to get rid of mice and to completely lock them out of the property using the most solid and durable materials available. Mice are small and agile rodents that use their size to their advantage. They pass through foundation gaps and openings, weep holes, exterior vents, uncovered pipes, and utility line gaps. Technicians carefully search the interior and exterior to identify areas of high activity and hotspots. Then to eventually deploy commercial-grade rodenticides secured in tamper-proof bait stations throughout the property to maximize the feeding rate for population control. All our extermination work is backed up and warranted by a full 6-month warranty. If mice come back, we will return as well for no additional fee. Call xxx-xxx-xxx


Mouse Treatment Preparation

Before treatment starts, we will send a detailed pep sheet for customers to follow. We require all our customers to declutter living spaces for effective treatment. Technicians need easy access.

Mouse Removal Process


Inspection is one of the most important steps and determines the result of the extermination. Inspection is included in the mouse removal process and cost. Technicians will carefully search the interior and exterior of the property for hot spots and areas of high activity. Once the inspection is concluded, the customer will be informed of recommendations to be ready for the extermination on the very same day.

mouse inspection vaughan
mouse extermination vaughan


The technician will perform the extermination process right after the inspection. Technicians will strategically place tamper-proof bait stations in hot spots and around areas of high activity on the exterior and interior of the property. These bait stations contain rodenticides. Mice are attracted by the smell and will eat from it. These bait stations are locked and put at unnoticeable locations where no child or pet can find them. In case a non-target species eat from, it will not kill it since the bait is multi-feed and thus less potent.


Technicians can perform exclusion on request. They can completely seal the property from mice to protect the property from continuing attempts. We use durable and time-tested materials, so the property is safe for the longest time. Materials include steel, aluminum flashing, fine steel mesh, concrete mortar, and other tailored solutions. Mice will and can take advantage of the dozens of entry points that are in sight or out of sight and often ignored. Technicians know which ones they use and will make sure these points are addressed. Common areas we seal, and proof are exterior vents, pipes and openings, utility line gaps, and find gaps and openings. Exclusion is covered with a 2-year service warranty. If mice return, we will too.

Mouse exclusion can be performed at an additional cost. It is separate from the service that inspection and extermination are a part of. For guaranteed and secure protection, hire professionals. Call xxx-xxx-xxx.

mouse exclusion vaughan

Mice Signs

Seeing mice can be a definite sign of a mouse infestation, but it might be one that could have been brewing much longer behind closed walls. Unknown to many people, entire generations of mice can live and die behind your wall even before you purchased the house.

Droppings and urine. Mice have the habit of dropping loads of droppings wherever they go. The number can go into the thousands. They look like small pellets or chocolate sprinkles and are black in colour. An easy way to remember is to check whether it is “the size of rice”.

See shredded bit of paper or cardboard? This might be a sign of a mouse infestation. Mice are good at scavenging and scraping together material that works great for mouse nest insulation.

Hear gnawing or pitter-patter? That might be a small rodent. If the infestation has gone to bigger proportions, these sounds become more apparent!

Mouse Hiding Places

Mice are shy rodents and are most active at night. This is where they take the opportunity to steal food from the kitchen. Most mice are seen in kitchens, garages, and attics. Mice commonly stay tucked away in wall voids or between the clutter.


What You Need to Know About Mice

Mice are drawn to 3 basic needs, and this plays a big role in choosing their destinations. They are attracted to warmth, safety, and shelter. This also benefits mice and they can find an abundance and never-ending supply of food and water. This spurs mice to breed and populate the property in a short period. Mice are sexually active at a few weeks and live primarily in wall voids or other areas that are overlooked like garages or basements. Mice will eat anything available, and this is in strong contrast to their natural diet which includes a healthy diet of cereals, grains, fruits, and seeds. Mice, despite their small stature, do big damage to the property. It might be hard to grasp that these tiny rodents can cause thousands of dollars in damage, repairs, and restoration. This is because they have sharp incisors with a need to gnaw and bite on everything. Mice also leave a mess by leaving droppings everywhere and urinating wherever they please adding to the already unpleasant situation.

what you need to know about mice

Why Hire Us?

We provide long-lasting, long-term, and robust solutions performed by trained licensed & insured exterminators. We always have effective equipment and tools on us so we can easily seamlessly move from one stage of the mouse removal process to the next without wasting time. We secure your property from mice and other animals with our time-tested sealing and proofing materials. To hire us, call us xxx-xxx-xxx.

warranty 6 months

Mouse Control Vaughan

Mice plague residents everywhere. Technicians from Pest Control Vaughan can put an end to it by using proven and tested methods that have worked for the countless satisfied customers that have hired us and that still hire us. We make sure they stay gone with powerful rodenticides and durable materials that keep them out for good. Our mouse control service is covered with a 6-month service warranty. Call xxx-xxx-xxx