Ant Control Vaughan

Professional and Guaranteed

Ant Control Solutions by

The Exterminators Inc.

ant control vaughan


Guaranteed Service

Fully Licensed And Insured Ant Control Service in Vaughan​

We are a full-service exterminator providing ant extermination services in Vaughan. We are effective, guarantee our service and work 7 days a week.

the exterminators guarantee

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Ant Control Vaughan

carpenter ant pest control vaughan

Ant Control Vaughan will provide the customer with high-quality, affordable, and accessible pest control throughout the city. We have licensed and insured exterminators ready to take on any type of ant infestation regardless of scope and severity. We utilize low mammalian toxicity pesticides that will eliminate the ants completely through crack and crevice applications and deep harborage treatments that get deep into wall voids, cracks, and crevices for permanent population control. We deploy baits and apply a full-coverage baseboard spray that will affect the population immediately through residual effects. Once the ant walks on the treatment, it will perish. We also apply an exterior spray at the base of the property to prevent future infestations. Our extermination service is covered with a 6-month full warranty, that promises our return, if ants come back. Call xxx-xxx-xxx.


Technicians will kick off the inspection by identifying high levels of ant activity and hotspots. The technician will also carefully investigate ant species and their colonies. Once peak activities, ant species, and colonies have been identified, the technician will gather findings, convey them to the property owner, and be ready for extermination on every same day.

ants inspection
carpenter ant bait station


Technicians will start the extermination process right after the inspection. Technicians will use pesticides and baits based on the identification of the ant species based and what compounds attract ants. To commence the process, technicians will apply a baseboard spray throughout the interior of the property Once ants will walk on it, they will perish. Bait will also be strategically placed in levels of highest activity. Bait will be carried back to the nest and stored by the ants for future feeding. Ants stockpile the bait and consume it slowly over time. The foragers of the ant colony are affected by the residual insecticide crack and crevice treatment while the bait that makes to the colony will slowly decrease the numbers of all other ants inside the colony.

On the exterior, pesticides will be sprayed on the outside base of the home as well as, windows, window wells, door frames and other areas ants frequent. The base of the property will be covered with a thin defensive coating. Our extermination services are covered with a 6-month service warranty. If ants come back, we will too. Call xxx-xxx-xxx.

For carpenter ants, since they make interior nests, technicians will drill a small home behind a wall. They will inject pesticides behind the wall to reach deep into the ant nest. This will take some additional time.


Preventive measures should be taken seriously in preventing ongoing infestations. Remove food and water. This includes crumbs, water, and starch. Carpets, floors, cabinets should be immediately spilled including spills in the pantries.

ant prevention


Types of Ants

Our licensed exterminators treat mainly indoor ants such as carpenter ants, pavement ants, and pharaoh ants.

Carpenter ants

carpenter ants

Pavements Ants

pavement ant control

Pharaoh Ants

pharaoh ant control

Carpenter ants in the case of carpenter ants the treatment is similar but can vary slightly. While we perform a bait and crack and crevice treatment, we might have to also use an Ultra Low Volume mist machine to target a nest directly. Carpenter ants build nests by tunneling through moisture-affected wood. If we can locate the nest, we will treat it directly. Common carpenter ant nesting areas can be in wall voids, framing lumber on walls or ceiling joists. Treating the nest directly will only speed up the treatment and it is not necessary for every carpenter ant extermination.

Pavement ants can be dark brown to black. Pavement ant colonies can count till 3000-4000 ants. Several queens can be in a colony. The areas beneath slabs of pavements are a preference. Their diet consists of insects, seeds, honeydew, and honey. Indoors can feed on whatever is available such as nuts, cheeses. and meats.

Pharaoh Ants primarily feed on oily substances, crumbs, sugar and are often found in multi-residential units and medical facilities. Pharaoh ants are small ants and can be easily overlooked. Pharaoh ants must be targeted using only bait. Each colony has multiple queens and should members of the colony feel threatened they will split up and spread the problem.

Why Hire Us For Ant Extermination?

We are skilled licensed and insured exterminators that have effective pesticides, tools, and equipment suited for every type of infestation. We follow traces, investigate signs, and compile it all in reports so that customers know exactly what needs to happen. We have been a success in private properties as well as in commercial properties all over Vaughan. To provide you with extra security, we provide a 6-month service warranty for all our ant control extermination services. Call xxx-xxx-xxx.

warranty 6 months

Ant Control Vaughan

We are a team of fully insured & licensed exterminators that specialize in ant removal from commercial and private properties using highly effective and proven methods. We thoroughly look for signs, follow traces, and create a custom-made plan to effectively combat and eliminate ant presence completely. We have the tools, pesticides, and equipment to make sure they won’t ever be coming back. To hire us, call us. Call xxx-xxx-xxx.

ant infestation in vaughan